The old Fiemme Valley Railway

The old Fiemme Valley Railway is a popular cycling path and hiking route and passes from Auer / Ora all the way to San Lugano. As far back as the 19th century, there were plans and concepts for the construction of a railway line from the Unterland district via Montan / Montagna, to the Fiemme Valley. Especially in the areas of tourism and commerce, there was considerable interest in establishing a railroad here – also for military purposes. Finally, in 1916, construction began. It was completed and began operation in 1918. The line was operated for 45 years. During World War I, it was used to transport military supplies. Only later was it opened for passengers.

The Castelfeder ruins

The Castelfeder Biotope is located between the villages of Auer / Ora and Montan / Montagna. This hill features numerous spots where young and old alike can relax. It is also a popular destination for easy strolls. Once you’ve reached the summit, you can enjoy a fabulous view of the entire valley below. There are remnants of prehistoric and medieval settlements here on the hill, giving the place a mystical atmosphere. The biotope is also home to a variety of flora and fauna.

The Trudner Horn Nature Park

The Trudner Horn Nature Park is South Tyrol’s nature park with the greatest diversity of species. This is thanks to its altitude (of less than 2,000 meters above sea-level) and the region’s sub-Mediterranean climate. At the Trudner Horn Nature Park, 60 different species of orchids are to be found. There are verdant meadows strewn with wild flowers, open larch forests, wetlands, and moors. The perfect place to relax, to go hiking, cycling, or to stop by one of the many rustic inns along the trail for refreshments.

Bletterbach Gorge

Nature lovers appreciate the unique beauty of the Bletterbach Gorge, South Tyrol’s famous canyon. There are geological treasures and a great diversity of landscape types to enjoy, and you can follow the development of life on Earth and Earth’s geological processes from unusual perspectives. In 2009, UNESCO declared the Bletterbach and the Dolomites a World Nature Heritage Site; this was on the basis of its unique landscape and beauty as well as due to the scientific significance of its geology and geomorphology. May 1 – Oct. 31, daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Lake Kaltern / Caldaro

The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kaltern gives you a hint: Lake Kaltern is the warmest bathing lake of the Alps! You can also rent paddle boats, go sailing, surfing, etc.

The Dolomites

The Dolomites are THE trademark of South Tyrol, and were declared a World Nature Heritage Site in 2009. These majestic mountains consisting of 250-million-year-old algae and coral reefs that once rested on the floor of the ancient Tethys Sea. When the sea receded, it left behind the Dolomites – white, majestic, and with bizarrely shaped formations.

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